Advocacy Activities

The HOPA Public Policy committee is dedicated to acting as an advocate on behalf of patients as well as representing hematology/oncology pharmacists across the country in legislative and regulatory endeavors.
Over the course of 2024, HOPA signed on to several joint letters to support legislation, voice concerns, and encourage elected officials to improve the cost, delivery, and accessibility of cancer treatments.
The following list includes the most recent joint letters HOPA has signed, serving as examples of our collaboration with other organizations on topics of common concern.
- February 21, 2025 - OVAC Sign-On Statement on Recent Executive Actions That Threaten Progress

Virtual Hill Day 2025
Make your voice heard! HOPA Virtual Hill Day 2025 will once again bring our stories and messages to elected officials, taking place on Tuesday, May 6. Whether you're a hematology/oncology pharmacist, cancer patient/survivor, or caregiver, your experience matters!

Legislative Action Center
Connect with your elected officials to advocate for people with cancer and help advance the role of hematology/oncology pharmacists. Click here for our current initiatives - and thank you for lending your voice!
Coalitions Help Amplify Advocacy Efforts
Many times, the best way to make an impact with a broad audience is to partner with a coalition that can help advance our priority issues.
As a standing member of several national coalitions, HOPA participates in dozens of group advocacy and policy meetings each year. Often, the result is a joint letter to encourage elected officials to improve the cost, delivery, and accessibility of cancer treatment – or, to simply thank those who already have.
Partnering with coalitions:
- Builds relationships among colleagues in both cancer and pharmacy communities
- Enables HOPA to be a prominent participant in policy discussions
- Augments patient advocacy efforts

HOPA supports the work of the following coalition partners in their important initiatives:
The Commission on Cancer (CoC), led by the American College of Surgeons, is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for patients with cancer by setting and raising standards.
The Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) was formed in 1993 by eight cancer patient organizations that wished to voice the concerns of cancer survivors during the debate on reform of the health care system.
The Coalition to Improve Access to Cancer Care (CIACC) is a patient-focused organization representing patients, health-care professionals, care centers, and the life sciences industry.
The Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition (HPNEC) is an alliance of over 90 organizations representing a variety of schools, programs, health professionals, and students dedicated to training a health care workforce that meets the needs of all patients.
Created by and for patient organizations more than 100 years ago, the National Health Council (NHC) brings diverse organizations together to forge consensus and drive patient-centered health policy.
OVAC is united behind a message of long-term, sustained funding increases for cancer research and prevention on the federal level, especially for the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute and the Division of Cancer Control & Prevention at the CDC.