HOPA Policies & Disclaimers

Codes of Conduct

The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) believes that fair and ethical behavior fosters a collaborative, equitable, and supportive professional environment for our members and stakeholders. Therefore, we are dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment for all participants in our events and for those who volunteer or otherwise engage with our resources. This Code of Conduct identifies the professional and ethical standards that individuals are expected to adhere to actively participate and contribute to our organization.

Expected Behavior:

  • Foster an environment that upholds the standards of respect essential for professional exchange amongst peers.
  • Refrain from engaging in insults or disparaging remarks towards other members, either in speech or behavior.
  • Exercise caution to prevent engaging in activities that could directly harm HOPA or the profession, or the reputation of either.
  • Disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest, both in the designated HOPA form, as well as during every HOPA relevant conversation where a conflict is present.
  • Comply with all applicable local, state, provincial and federal civil and criminal laws.
  • Safeguard privileged information and refrain from disclosing confidential details to which you may access as a member or volunteer of the organization.
  • Uphold HOPA’s core values of leadership, responsiveness, collaboration, innovation, diversity, and inclusion to the best of one’s ability.

Unacceptable Behavior:

  • Violent threats or language directed at another person.
  • Discriminatory jokes or language.
  • Including unnecessary sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise sensitive materials in your work with the organization.
  • Posting (or threatening to post), without permission, the personal information of another person online, including on social networking sites.
  • Derogatory comments, including but not limited to, racist, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic language.
  • Inappropriate solicitation of emotional or physical intimacy, including unwelcome sexual advances.

At the sole discretion of the HOPA Board of Directors, persons may be expelled or otherwise disciplined from active membership or from active volunteer positions for violations of the Code of Conduct, unprofessional conduct, violation of the Bylaws, or other good cause determined by the Board of Directors. Any participants who engage in inappropriate behavior at HOPA events, either virtual or in-person, or while using HOPA resources may be excluded from current or future events and/or resources.

Complaints about inappropriate behavior may be directed to the HOPA Executive Director and/or the HOPA President. Individuals who feel personally unsafe at a live HOPA event are directed to contact building security or the local police immediately, as well as contacting the HOPA Executive Director and/or HOPA President.

The HOPA Executive Office will provide individuals with an opportunity to submit a report of the violation. The Executive Director and Board of Directors will then follow the appropriate process outlined in the Harassment Complaint Procedure in the HOPA Procedure Manual. No person shall be expelled from membership or a volunteer position unless that person shall have been given notice of the charges in writing and shall have an opportunity to reply in writing to the Board of Directors. A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be final as to the question of expulsion or other discipline.

HOPA is committed to a welcoming environment for all participants in its events and users of its resources. All participants and users are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner while attending HOPA events and while using HOPA resources. Any participants who engage in inappropriate behavior at HOPA events, either virtual or in-person, or while using HOPA resources may be excluded from current or future events and resources and other discipline may be applied. Complaints about inappropriate behavior may be directed to the HOPA Executive Director and/or the HOPA President. If you feel personally unsafe at a live HOPA event, please contact building security or the local police immediately as well as contacting the HOPA Executive Director and/or HOPA President.

Refund Policies

In situations in which HOPA is contacted by individual(s) requesting a refund, HOPA staff has the right to determine whether or not a refund or a credit will be issued to the individual(s) account in the system. All cases will be handled on an individual basis by HOPA staff and may potentially result in a refund to the individual(s).

  1. Individuals seeking a refund on any on-demand educational product should contact HOPA education at education@hoparx.org.
  2. In the event a wrong product is purchased, the individual must contact HOPA within 10 business days. HOPA staff will issue a credit or refund as appropriate, if the course has not been consumed.
  3. Educational products that have been partially consumed, or more than 10 days after purchase date, may receive a refund of up to 50% of the purchase price.
  4. No educational product may be refunded after 6 months of the purchase date, or after the CE credit claim deadline.

If any new applicant of HOPA requests a refund for membership dues, it must be made in writing via email to info@hoparx.org within seven (7) days. All refunds are credited back to the original form of payment should the request align with circumstances listed below:

  1. The individual was charged more than once.
  2. The individual paid for the incorrect member type, he/she/they may receive a partial refund. (For example, they applied for Full Membership when Technician Membership would be more appropriate).
  3. Any other refund requests will be filled at the discretion of HOPA staff.

No refunds shall be granted if the individual purchased one of HOPA’s educational programs or event registrations at the member price during their tenure as a member.

No refunds shall be granted for existing members.

HOPA Research Fund: Gift Acceptance Policy

HOPA solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission.

Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations.

In the course of its regular fundraising activities, HOPA will accept donations of money, stock, and in-kind services.

Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for HOPA. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include gifts of real property, gifts of personal property, and gifts of securities.

HOPA has adopted the above gift acceptance policy to help manage the expectations of donors, (while treating them with respect) and also serve as guidance for board and staff members. The reasons HOPA has decided to adopt a gift acceptance policy include:

  • Accepting some types of gifts may run counter to HOPA’s values. A gift acceptance policy is useful to underscore why the HOPA cannot accept the gift.
  • Some gifts may lead to legal obligations that HOPA is not otherwise equipped to handle. Example: Gifts of real property may raise property tax issues; gifts of motor vehicles or boats may raise issues about disposal of hazardous waste or licensing issues.
  • HOPA may simply not be equipped to either use, or dispose of certain types of gifts (such as donations of outdated computers) or easily maintain.
  • Having a gift acceptance policy in place is considered a "best practice".
  • The IRS Form 990 asks whether a nonprofit has a “gift acceptance policy” and requires nonprofits that respond “Yes” to complete Schedule M, as well as report any non-cash contributions/in-kind gifts.

The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:

  1. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  3. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  6. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
  10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

Privacy Policy

This policy delineates the information collected from visitors to the web site as well as how we use and protect that information. Protecting your privacy and your personal data is of utmost importance to us, and guides us in creating, organizing and implementing our activities on-line and off-line.

You may browse many areas of our Web site, including our home page, without disclosing any personal information about yourself. Within these areas we only collect and store the information that is automatically recognized by the Web server, such as your IP address and files you request from the server. We collect the personal data that you volunteer on registration, order, survey, or other forms, or by email. Additionally, some areas of our Web site might be available only to certain persons and will require a login and password to access these areas. In order to be granted a login and password you may be asked some demographic information about yourself

Registering on our site is optional. If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use the public areas of our Web site. However, you will not be able to purchase items online, or be allowed access to private areas of our Web site. We view the customer information that we collect as a valuable and confidential asset of which we take great care to ensure its safety.

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

As described above, we sometimes collect anonymous information from visits to our site to help us provide better customer service. For example, we measure visitor activity on our Web site, but we do so in ways that maintain individual visitor anonymity. We use the information that we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different areas of our site and to help us make our site more useful to visitors. This includes analyzing these logs periodically to measure the traffic through our servers, the number of pages visited and the level of demand for pages and topics of interest. The logs may be preserved indefinitely and used at any time and in any way to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the data on our servers.

Though we make serious efforts to preserve your privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our Web site.

We collect the anonymous information we mentioned above through the use of various technologies, one of which is called "cookies". A cookie is an element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive. Cookies may last for only a single session or may span multiple sessions. Our Web site only uses single session cookies. We also use cookies throughout the private sections of our Web site in order to prevent security breaches as well as to track user activity. Finally, cookies are employed in such applications as shopping carts, continuing education, or other applications that require the storage of user data from one screen to the next.

You can ask us whether we are keeping personal data about you, and you can also request to receive a copy of that personal data. Before sending you any personal data, we will ask you to provide proof of your identity. If you are not able to provide proof of your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you the personal data.

We will make a sincere effort to respond in a timely manner to your requests to the previous questions or to correct inaccuracies in your personal information. At any time, you may request that we delete or correct your personal information in our logs. For such requests, please contact info@hoparx.org.

Throughout our Web site, you will find links to third party Web sites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content on third party sites.

We intend to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information. We have implemented technology and security policies as reasonable precautions in the storage of the personal information you disclose to us on our Web site. Our employees and processors who have access to personal data are obliged to respect the privacy of our visitors and the confidentiality of their personal data.