HOPA Strategic Plan

2023-2026 Strategic Plan
In 2022, the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) engaged in a collaborative process to develop a new three-year strategic plan. HOPA’s Board of Directors led the effort in partnership with staff and our planning consultants from 2B Communications & Strategy Group.

The planning process was thorough, thoughtful, and inclusive. Information and data sources included more than 40 interviews and 400 survey responses from members, students, and past members.
A planning group composed of HOPA’s Board, other volunteer leaders, and staff participated in an in-person planning retreat. Planning also involved a multi-year analysis of HOPA’s operational performance and an assessment of the competitive landscape.
The result is a new five-pillar plan where the strategic imperatives of Education, Professional Practice, Quality Research, and Advocacy & Awareness are grounded in Organizational Excellence.
HOPA's Mission and Vision Remain the Same

Our Vision:
All individuals affected by cancer have a hematology/oncology pharmacist as an integral member of their care team.
Our Mission:
Support pharmacy practitioners and promote and advance hematology/oncology pharmacy to optimize the care of individuals affected by cancer.
Core Values: We are HOPA
While our Vision and Mission remain unchanged, our strategic planning process led to newly revised core values. Notable additions include the tenets of Diversity and Inclusion.