Well-Being at HOPA

HOPA members talking at a HOPA Conference

In 2021, a national survey of hematology/oncology pharmacists demonstrated a high burnout prevalence, which may affect patient safety and workforce well-being. To address the concerning survey results, HOPA involved expert consultants to conduct a thorough review of the literature and current best practices, which led to the development of a task force to identify and facilitate strategies to decrease hematology/oncology pharmacy workforce burnout.

The statement that follows acknowledges the critical need and commitment from HOPA to mitigate risk factors of burnout. HOPA supports well-being initiatives with interventions aimed at individual wellness and organizational efforts to optimize cancer care.

One such offering is the HOPA Wellness Toolkit, which was created by the Task Force on Wellness and Burnout.

Access HOPA's wellness toolkit here or keep reading below for HOPA's Statement on Well-Being