Resources to Help Combat Burnout

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The HOPA Wellness and Burnout Task Force have compiled a list of resources to help you assess your stress level, get tips and tricks for maintaining work-life balance, and give you permission to just breathe.

Research has shown that most hematology/oncology pharmacists feel some degree of professional burnout. The downturn in our collective well-being began well before COVID-19, which exacerbated things even further.

How to Use the Wellness Toolkit

Having compassion for people who are undergoing cancer treatment most likely played a role in choosing to be a hematology/oncology pharmacist. So, what can you do when the work has both a positive - and, increasingly, negative - impact on your own well-being?

Start with the self-assessment tools and then explore wellness tips the HOPA Wellness Task Force has pulled together for early-, mid-, and senior-level hematology/oncology pharmacists.

U.S. Surgeon General on Healthcare Worker Burnout

Read the U. S. Surgeon General's advisory report on healthcare workout burnout, and how to continue building a thriving healthcare workforce.

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Residency/Early Career

Access resources tailored to reduce burnout and increase wellness for residency students.

mid level career woman

Established Career/Mid Level

Find wellness resources tailored for mid-level Hem/Onc pharmacists.


Management / Leadership

Access wellness and burnout resources for management and leadership in the Hem/Onc pharmacy world.

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The following resources offer excellent wellness tips, discussion and information - all in conversational, easy-to-consume podcast format.