Residency/Early Career Wellness Toolkit

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We know that dedicating all of your time and energy at the start of your career is key to becoming a successful Hem/Onc pharmacist. However, with the intense pressure and intense workload, preventing burnout and building resiliency is a necessary to reaching your goals.

With the resources below, you can implement research-based strategies to increase your mental well-being during your residency and early career.

Development and Implementation of Pharmacy Well-Being Programs

Learn how the implementation of residency focused Well-Being programs can decrease residency burnout.

Implementation of a Pharmacy Residency Resiliency Program

Learn about the benefits of a pharmacy residency resiliency program (PRRP) for postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) and postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) pharmacy residents.

Recognizing Burnout & Promoting Well-Being

Recognizing burnout is the first step in reaching long term well being; read about ASCO's round table conversation and advice on the topic.

ASHP Well Being Resources

Access curated well being resources including community connections and even webinars.

ACP - Individual Physician Wellness and Burnout Tools​

Use this collection of Podcasts, TED Talks, blogs, apps, and more to take a deeper dive into improving your personal well-being and professional satisfaction.

Premature Attrition of Clinical Pharmacists- Call to Action

Learn about factors associated with clinical pharmacists premature burnout.

The value of mentorship, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy

Read about the benefits of mentor ships in high intensity , high stress, positions in healthcare.