Rowena Schwartz
Rowena (Moe) Schwartz


Professor of Pharmacy Practice

University of Cincinnati  |  None

Rowena N Schwartz, PharmD, BCOP is a Professor of Pharmacy at the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati. She is a founding board member of the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association and has served in various leadership positions.

You can call her "Moe" - everyone else does!

What was the motivation behind creating the HOPA organization?

MS: There was a void in an organization that focused on oncology.

What is your definition of leadership?

MS: It’s not management but more about inspiring others to a vision for growth. Working towards something and bringing the group together.

How would you describe your leadership style?

MS: It morphs depending on the group and situation; What I had to learn was to not just do the task myself but instead to work with the group and bring ideas from other people.

Who were the people that influenced you most in your leadership journey?

MS: Early on, a nurse administrator, Joyce, at the cancer institute. Randy, Dean of Pharmacy was also supportive. There was no specific plan for oncology, but I received full support in developing the program. They said, “you can do this." John Kuhn always was and continues to be a mentor.

Three traits of a successful leader are that you have a vision and you care about people. You are insightful about the people you work with and actively help promote them. And, you stay open to change, including change that is driven by ideas other than your own.

Rowena N Schwartz, PharmD, BCOP, Professor of Pharmacy Practice University of Cincinnati James L Winkle College of Pharmacy

What can HOPA do to develop future leaders both in our profession and in the organization?

MS: Not just using the historic committee style as identifying people who are potential leaders.

What are you most proud of as a leader and why?

MS: Pushing the envelope and moving things forward, making things better for the next generation of practitioners.

What do you wish someone would have told you as an aspiring leader?

MS: Listen more, whether in practice or teaching. Focus on others because so much can come from those around you and by recognizing other people’s strengths. Strength Finders helped change the way I approached leadership.

What is a setback you have encountered and how did you get past it?

MS: At one institution, leadership changed in a way that didn’t support pharmacy the way that it had been. There was no growth potential. It was hard realizing that every move in my career could be beneficial.

What is something you hope people remember about you?

MS: Someone who cared, for patients as well as student organizations. And I hope they think of me as a good teacher

What book would you recommend for aspiring leaders?

MS: Books that expand your understanding. A Man call Ove which fascinating view about people coming together. It’s also about overcoming adversity and making a difference as well as character development.

Who is one person you wish you could interview and what would you ask them?

MS: Barack Obama. How did he persevere through hate? People who move things are inspiring to me.