Ready to accept the challenge? Submit your Big Idea here.

Big Idea Submissions Now Open

When we asked for big, innovative, potentially practice-changing ideas, you heard our call and have stepped up to the challenge. Now it's time to put your ideas into motion.

  1. Give your Big Idea a working title
  2. Describe your idea, in detail, in up to 2,500 words
  3. Tell us how your idea is 1) relevant to hematology/oncology pharmacy practice and 2) significant to HOPA members and other oncology pharmacists
  4. If available at this stage, state the overall goals or overarching aspirations of your idea and outline the anticipated long-term outcomes of your innovation
  5. Include any literature or support materials that are directly related, or significantly important to, your Big Idea concept (support materials are encouraged but not required)

Submit your big idea!

Idea submissions are due August 15, 2024

What happens to my Big Idea after I submit it?

Once submissions close on August 15, all ideas will be put to a member vote between August 15-August 30. Votes will be tallied, and up to 5 Big Ideas will be selected to move onto the next phase. Top Ideas will be announced the week of September 1. Get more FAQs

If you have additional questions about The Big Idea initiative, please reach out to Morgan Kaufmann, Director of Membership and Rosanne Stelpflug, Director of Administration by emailing

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The Big Idea Timeline

What starts as your individual and innovative idea for how to advance oncology pharmacy practice becomes a group effort, including mentorship and support from HOPA leaders and staff. It all culminates during Annual Conference 2025 in Portland, Oregon, with a live pitch seeking additional resources for your innovation.


Phase I: The Big Idea Launch. Start thinking about what problem you want to solve or which pain points (for you, your colleagues, or your patients) you need to address.

  • June 24, 2024: Submissions Open

Phase II: My Big Idea. Give your idea shape, prepare your written Big Idea description, and submit it for the consideration of your peers.

  • August 15, 2024: Submissions Close
  • August 16-30, 2024: Members Vote on The Big Ideas (Up to 5 are Chosen)
  • Week of September 1, 2024: Top Ideas are Announced

Phase III: Our Big Idea. Apply to join a Big Idea team. This is where much of the work gets done. After the top several Big Ideas are chosen through a member vote, teams will be assembled to bring the innovations to life.

  • September 1-30, 2024: Members Apply to Join a Big Idea Team
  • October-March: Teams are Formed, Mentors are Assigned, and Designated Work Time Begins

Phase IV: The Big Idea Pitch. Prepare to wow! Up to 5 teams will present Big Ideas live during Annual Conference 2025

  • April 2025 and Beyond: Annual Conference Live Pitch Takes Place, Winner is Announced, and the Project is Implemented

The Big Idea Rules, Regs, FAQs, and Inspiration

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Strategic HOPA Resources & Tools

Want your Big Idea to be big on strategy? Happy to help.

Get HOPA Resources & Tools

oragami boats with one orange


Find out who can submit a Big Idea, learn what kind of ideas we are looking for, and get the scoop on how ideas will be evaluated.

Get the FAQs

blue butterfly amonst golden butterflies


Wondering where Big Ideas come from? It depends on who you ask. Be inspired by Simon Sinek, David Lynch, Einstein and more.

Get Inspired

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Reasons to Participate

  • Be a Changemaker: Contribute to meaningful advancements in hem/onc pharmacy.
  • Collaborate and Innovate: Work with peers across various career stages.
  • Professional Growth: Enhance your skills through leadership development and mentorship.
  • Impact: Help shape the future of our field.