Just the FAQs, Please

1.Who can submit a Big Idea? Any HOPA member in good standing.

2.What kind of ideas are we looking for? Innovative, practice-changing concepts that can help to advance the field or practice of hem/onc pharmacy.

3.How will the ideas be evaluated? Members will vote to select the top ideas (up to 5) that will move on to be developed into full proposals by project teams in the next stage.

4.Is The Big Idea new for HOPA? This is the second time HOPA has facilitated The Big Idea contest for members. The first was in 2016 and resulted in the creation of Core Competency.

5.What is the "pitch" I've been hearing about? The top ideas (up to 5) will be presented, live, by teams during HOPA2025. Think SharkTank without the billionares.

6.What is the prize for the winning Big Idea? The winning group will be given resources to continue your work on fleshing out your big idea - exact resources are still TBD.

Have more questions? Contact us at info@hoparx.org