Issue Briefs
HOPA Issues Briefs are authored by our members and informed by our public policy priority areas. The following briefs reflect the identity of our organization, help us work on behalf of our patients, serve our members’ interests, and create an action plan for the most targeted impact.
HOPA feels strongly that individuals with cancer should have increased access to biologic medications so long as the biosimilars are equally as safe and effective as their brand counterparts.
Drug Shortages
People with cancer should not shoulder the burden of drug shortages. Proper oversight and effective communication between healthcare professionals, manufacturers, patient advocacy organizations, and government agencies are imperative.
Drug Waste
Drug waste generated from the preparation of IV cancer therapies is costly to the health care system, patients undergoing treatment, and society overall. Billing for waste is not the solution.
Oral Chemotherapy
Oral chemotherapy presents many benefits to both patients and the health care system. To ensure oral chemo is safe, effective, and not cost-prohibitive, it is critical for HOPA to support legislation that will address the oral chemotherapy disparity.
Pain Management
Cancer pain is often undertreated. Understanding the issues surrounding cancer pain and appropriate education of patients and providers will lead to better patient care decisions.
Role of the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacist
The changing landscape of health care and evolving approach to cancer care (e.g., oral therapies, targeted therapies, personalized medicine) will emphasize the need for the oncology health care team to include an oncology pharmacist.
Site of Care
HOPA believes site-of-care decisions should take into consideration the individual circumstances of the patient, including drug characteristics, safety risks, and financial impacts. The choice for site of care should therefore be made with shared decision-making between the patient and providers.
White Bagging
While there are positive aspects to white bagging, there are numerous concerns. HOPA believes the high likelihood of financial burdens, delays in drug shipments, and unsafe handling/storage of drugs must first be addressed.